Essential Tea Tree Oil

Essential Tea Tree Oil
How to use

Apply a few drops to the desired area with the aid of a gauze.

To repel lice, apply the tea tree oil to a fine-toothed comb and spread it evenly through the hair, or add 4 to 6 drops of oil to your usual dab of shampoo. As a preventive treatment, a few diluted drops can also be applied to the back of the neck and behind the ears.

If you have nail fungus, apply directly with the aid of a gauze once or twice daily.

To repel insects, apply a few drops of diluted oil to the wrists and ankles.

Warnings and cautions:

Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Do not use on children under 3. Exercise caution if used on asthmatics or pregnant women.


30 ml jar

Essential tea tree oil (Melaleuca alternifolia L.) is obtained by distilling the leaves of the tea tree, and is completely unrelated with the tea leaves (Camellia sinensis L.) that are used to make infusions.
The oil is a colourless or amber liquid with a characteristic odour. Its properties are attributed to a complex mixture of terpenes. The oil's benefits are primarily due to its main component, terpinen-4-ol, at a level of 29 to 45%, though other alcohols (1.8-cineole, ?-terpineole, etc.) are also present in the composition in smaller quantities. It is thus regarded as an effective natural antiseptic against bacteria, fungi and parasites.
Tea tree oil is one of the most effective oils from a dermatological standpoint. It is most commonly used:
· to prevent and treat lice infestations
· to aid in treating acne-prone skin
· to get rid of nail fungus
· as an insect repellent.

Ingredients: Tea tree oil from El Naturalista is 100% essential, pure and natural. (Melaleuca alternifolia L.)

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